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Registered user
Runboard staff member

Registered: 11-2005
Location: Whoosher House
Posts: 8
Karma: 0 (+0/-0)
Hello, And Welcome!


I am Joxcenia, from Runboard Staff. I am dropping in to offer you some tips and a few helpful hints. Which, perhaps might help you attract members.

If you would like to know when anyone posts to this board you can sign up for the RSS feed. The RSS feed button/link is on the far right of the Board's Title link. (Note: It doesn't work in all browsers.)

There is the Runboard SUPPORT board, (CLICK HERE), for any questions you may have. The staff and others at Support are fantastic about getting back to each person's question, no matter what the question may be.

"Keywords and Description" and adding your site to the "Directory Listings" page.

In your Control Panel, there is a drop down menu, choose your board and click "manage", then under the Administrator Options you will notice an "Edit Keywords/descriptions" button. Click that. It opens up two boxes.

1. Keywords: enter words in here that will be found on your board, from discussion topics. These Keywords are what people will find when they type in a search, thus leading them to your site. But, you should try to limit the keywords to no more than 25. Less is better, because the more words you use the less weight each word will carry with search engines.

2. Description: This should be a wonderfully written description of your site, what you want to achieve, what your vision is for your site ... just something to draw in new members. But keep it short and sweet. Trying to cram too many words into your description might actually hurt your rankings rather than help.

Another good hint, is to add your site to the RUNBOARD DIRECTORY LISTINGS: (CLICK HERE) and scroll down the page until you see: Please List & Advertise Your Board In Any Relevant Category ... you may add your site and a nice description of what your vision is, what you think makes your site a fun place to be, in any/all relevant categories.

There are several great places for information on tips and tricks of creating an interesting board, with ways to add your "own" style...

1. Runboard Extra

2. Runboard Support Skins

3. Skinning a Runboard ... charts etc.

4. Design Elements

5. Runboard Designs (Old) -- Runboard Design (New)

6. How To Promote Your Forum Link

7. Runboard Knowledge Base will answer many things also for you. (Once it's completed.)

8. Concepts Another useful site that will answer many thing for you. (Once it's completed.)

There are also some Runboard videos you can watch which can also help you around.

Here are two of them.

 ... ... ...

For board owners and admins:

Control who can access your board's chatroom.

Runboard Chat

Never be hesitant about asking questions. And please feel free to delete this post if you find that you don't need any of the information.

Again, welcome to Runboard!


10/25/2021, 12:12 am Link to this post Email Joxcenia   PM Joxcenia Blog

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